
Search the web with powerful commands for Mobile Safari

WebLeaps gives you a quick and easy way to use keywords to search specific sites directly from Spotlight Search and the Safari search bar. It supports a large number of popular sites.


You can buy WebLeaps directly from the Cydia Store on your iDevice.

Using WebLeaps is easy. Navigate left to Spotlight from the home page, and you will see a list of available search options. Tap one or type a keyword following your search phrase and you'll be taken directly to that site!

You can also make the same searches from Mobile Safari, by tapping on the Search bar at the top-right of the screen. You'll even get Google Suggestions as you type, and can tap on them to use them with your current search keyword!

For example, you can search for "w All That Remains" to look them up directly on Wikipedia, or "lfm All That Remains" to check out the band on Last.fm. Most common sites have keywords, just check the list below. If your favourite site is missing from the list send us an email so that it can be added in the next version!

You can also navigate to WebLeaps in your Settings app to turn off the suggestions, if you don't want them to appear (or say if you'd rather use ListLauncher as your empty Spotlight screen). There is no way to add custom keywords from the Settings page (yet), but you can use a text editor such as iFile to add your own keywords manually to /Library/Application Support/WebLeaps/presets.plist.


WebLeaps supports a number of keywords for many popular websites. They hopefully won't conflict with your normal searches, but if it does happen, prefix the search with the "g" keyword (or "yh" if that's your preference). For example, let's say you wanted to look up EB Games. But "eb games" will take you shopping for games at eBay! Instead, use "g eb games", or alternatively "EB games", since keywords are case-sensitive (and always lowercase).

The following is a list of all keywords supported by WebLeaps version 1.0.0.

Search Engines

Google: g
Google Images: gi
Google News: gn
Wolfram Alpha: wa
Yahoo: yh


Wikipedia: w
Wikiquote: wquote
Wiktionary: wdef


Dictionary: def
Thesaurus: thes


Amazon: amz
eBay: eb
RetailMeNot: rmn


AZLyrics: lyr
AllMusic Artists/Groups: amg
AllMusic Albums: ama
AllMusic Songs: ams
Last.fm: lfm


GameFAQs: gamefaqs
GameSpot: gamespot
IGN: ign
Kotaku: kot
NeoGAF: gaf


Ars Technica: ars - Currently disabled, as their search page is broken.
GameFAQs: gamefaqs
GameSpot: gamespot
Gizmodo: giz
Kotaku: kot
LifeHacker: lh
Slashdot: /.
TechCrunch: tc


Digg: digg
Facebook: fb
Orkut: ork
Reddit: reddit
StackOverflow: sto
StackExchange: ste
Twitter: tw
YouTube: yt
Y Combinator Hacker News: yc OR hn


Whois.net: whois
BugMeNot: bmn


v2.0.1 - February 8, 2011

v2.0.0 - December 9, 2010

v1.0.0 - November 29, 2010


You may contact us with questions, comments, suggestions, and bugs by email.